back in the saddle

It’s taken me quite a bit of time to get settled in enough to feel that I had time to sit and compose an entry. The webcam will be coming back online shortly after I actually dig it out of a box. We’ll see how that goes.
I’m living in a condo in south-central Austin with Michael, a fellow from the Catholic Center. So far, everything here has been pretty smooth. Entertained a few people on a few seperate occasions and seemed to work fine each time. Roadrunner was installed a few days ago and the wireless network I setup has been working really well considering the low budget I assigned to it.
Classes have been in session just a day shy of a week today, nothing overly exciting so far. My schedule is as follows:
AST 301 — Astronomy I for non-majors — MWF 10-11
HIS 305L — Western Civ in Modern Times — MWF 9-10
HIS 309K — History of East Asia until 1800 — MWF 2-3
PHL 301 — Intro to Philosophy — MWF 11-12
PHL 304 — Contemp Moral Problems — MW 12-1, Th 10-11
Obviously, a heavy MWF schedule. So far, like I said, nothing exciting.
The Lambdas are chugging along with the start of a new year and a new pledge class. The Tao Class of the Alpha Chapter will have the first information session tonight at the Catholic Center. Also, tonight, my first official act as Lambda Chaplain (other than lead opening prayer at a couple of meetings) is tonight. Night Prayer in the Chapel is at 9:15 p.m. following the Actives meeting. Night Prayer is open to everyone. What is Night Prayer you ask? (it isn’t just the Liturgy of the Hours Compline in this context) Come tonight where the topic will be “What is Night Prayer?” 🙂
Besides that, the usual first week of college activites for here- a few bbqs, a tailgate party, a football game, endless meetings for a Freshman/Transfer Retreat this weekend. I’ll be posting the script of a moving Stations of the Cross that we’re doing for that later (probably after the retreat in case anyone going on the retreat finds this…)
With that, homework and laundry are calling.


One response

  1. Adam Torres Avatar

    Hi there,
    I’m Adam – I was browsing through various journals on Xanga (University of Texas blog ring), and I found your website. I think that we actually have Astronomy 301 together – is your professor Dr. Robinson? Just thought that the world’s really a small place, and thought i’d say hi :-).

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