not good at all: registration revisited

Dear Student,
You are receiving this email because you have registered for ECO 304K
Unique #29380 with Instructor Famulari. THIS CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
Please drop yourself from this class. If you would like to switch to
another section, please do so via TEX or ROSE. If you have trouble doing
this please let us know. You will have registration access all day today.
If you have questions please feel free to contact the Undergraduate
Advising Office at 471-2973 or
Sorry for the inconvenience,
The Undergraduate Advisors
Jana Cole
Academic Advisor
Department of Economics
BRB 1.114AB
Jana Cole
Academic Advisor
Department of Economics
BRB 1.114AB


2 responses

  1. Kari Avatar

    Did you really want to take Microeconomics anyways? I think you have someone watching over you 🙂

  2. Kraft Avatar

    True… but I need it for my business minor… 🙂

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