I went to the PCL (i.e. the main library) on campus today and found a Pontificale Romanum from 1895. It is the liturgical book that contains all the different rites and celemonies usually reserved for the Bishop. The edition in the library, and online here, was promulgated by Popes Benedict XIV and Leo XIII.
It is completely in Latin so I only understand bits and pieces of it. In either case, it has been very interesting to see it in print so far. For a good number of the ceremonies, there are very highly-detailed illustrations picturing the ceremony. Also unlike the online version, it has the psalm tones.
There is one graphic that makes me laugh. On page 263, under “De Patenae et Calicis Consecratione”, illustrates the Bishop blessing the Paten and Chalice. All looks fine and dandy, then you notice one of the servers is looking over his shoulder looking very bored. It also has the Degredation rituals that Fr. Jim Tucker translated and posted awhile ago. (First Tonsure, Exorcists and Lectors, Acolytes, Subdeacons, Deacons, Priests and Bishops).
It just has really cool stuff in it. Like the Ordo ad Reconciliandum Apostatam, Schismaticum Vel Haereticum. As you may have guessed, that’s the Order of Reconciliation with Schismatics, Heretics, etc. Most of it, while I can’t translate word-for-word, I can pick up the meaning of. Like the following:
Pontifex apostatam,
schismaticum, vel haereticum reconciliare volens, paratus amictu,
stola, pluviali albo, et mitra simplici, sedet super faldistorium
ante foras Ecclesiae sibi paratum, coram quo genuflectit
reconciliandus, quem interrogat Pontifex de fide, dicens:
Credis duodecim Articulos Fidei?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, creatorem coeli et terrae?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis et in Jesum Christum Filium ejus unicum Dominum nostrum?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis quod conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis quod passus est sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis quod descendit ad inferos?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis quod tertia die resurrexit a mortuis?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis, quod ascendit ad coelos, et sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis?
Ille respondet: Credo
Pontifex interrogat: Credis quod venturus est judicare vivos, et mortuos?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis in Spiritum Sanctus?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam, Sanctorum communionem?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis remissionem omnium peccatorum?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Pontifex interrogat: Credis carnis resurrectionem et vitam aeternam?
Ille respondet: Credo.
Deinde Pontifex surgit cum mitra, et super illum genuflexum dicit absolute, incipiens:
Exorcizo te, immunde spiritus, per Deum Patrem omnipotentem, et per Jesum Christum Filium ejus, et per Spiritum Sanctum, ut recedas ab hoc famulo Dei, quem Deus et Dominus noster ab erroribus et perceptionis tuis liberare, et ad sanctam matrem Ecclesiam Catholicam atque Apostolicam revocare dignatur. Ipse tibi imperet, maledicte ac damnate, qui pro salute hominum passus, mortuus, et sepultus est, te atque omnes vires tuas superavit, ac resurgens coelos ascendit, inde venturus judicare vivos et mortuos, et saeculum per ignem.
The bulk of this, as is pretty obvious, is the Bishop questioning the person to be brought back into the Church. The form is pretty usual where the Bishop asks “Do you believe in XYZ?” with the person responding with “I believe.” The end, well, I don’t know what it says. It sounds like the person is genuflecting before the Bishop, with mitre, when the Bishop casts out any unclean spirits by means of the Almighty Father, by means of Jesus Christ and by means of the Holy Sprit. He further commands, either the person or the spirits- this is where my lack of Latin education fails me- to obey the Lord our God. You get the idea though. My goal is to some day be able to read it.
Anyhow, it is a really cool little book. I picked up a copy of The Rites and The Rites II that contains the modern version of many of the ceremonies. Perhaps I’ll compare a few of them before giving the books back.
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