the foundation

As many of you know, Maure is in Mexico filming a documentary on the conditions in Cuatro, Mexico. From my conversations with her, she wants to help the village to at least get some running water. Not only are they lacking running water, many homes have tarps as roofs. Her documentary will be a chance for the villagers to have their voices heard.
The downside to filming a documentary of this nature is that it comes with a substantial cost. She will be living in Mexico for about six weeks for the documentary. So, for six weeks she is unable to work while also having to pay all of her bills in Austin plus all of the expenses of living in Mexico. Not to mention, the documentary itself is costly. I went to Fry’s with her before she left- we spent about $100 in film alone.
Before she left, she sent an e-mail to one of the University Catholic Center’s mailing lists asking for help- both for prayers and for donations.
After she left, I began thinking about her situation, her desire to help and the setbacks that had encountered. Even though she hadn’t raised enough money on her own, yet, she still went down to get started on a project she really believed was needed. I didn’t like that someone who wanted to give so much for people in need- her time and energy to help raise public awareness- had to do so much else. She’s giving six weeks plus whatever time and energy it will take in post-production to produce the documentary. What could I do?
With that thought in mind, I started looking up what is out there for projects of this type. Frankly, I couldn’t find much. So, I decided to start my own non-profit with the purpose of assisting mission activities, inclusive of documentary projects intended to raise public awareness. I vetted the idea to a couple of people; Dawn in particular jumped at the idea.
With a little team assembled, I filed paperwork with the Secretary of State’s office and picked up the paperwork from the IRS for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. With that, The Brandon Kraft Foundation was born. I’ll grant I’m not the most creative soul out but hey, I was beyond eager to get started.
For the moment, the Foundation is collecting tax-deductible donations for the documentary project with 100% of check/money order donations going directly to the project. Donations via credit card face the 2.9%+ 30-cent fee imposed by PayPal.
So, that is what I’ve been busy with lately. I encourage you to contact me for more information, send a donation via or at PO Box 7140, Austin, TX 78713-7140.


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