Today marks the first day of classes for The University of Texas at Austin. I was hoping to be full of interesting things to take note of and pass along to this weblog. After four classes and one discussion section, all of which lasted the entire hour, I have nothing.
For everyone at UT, you will appreciate this though. I was walking towards RAS for my BIO 325 discussion. Since I have never been to the RAS, I checked the campus map on the East Mall to double-check where it was. A small group of freshmen were huddled around it trying to figure out where MEZ is located. I overheard them and promptly reply “oh, it’s at the southeast end of the Six Pack.” They look at me, confused to no end and reply: “What’s the Six Pack?”
This semester should include some interesting posts on genetics, pseudoscience, classroom interactions and whatever else comes across my desk in the next few months.
Lastly, to keep as many entries on here informational, Austrian researchers have teleported photons across the Danube River. The article says not to look for Star Trek to become a reality anytime soon; however, personally, I think it’s pretty cool.
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