coadjutor bishop of fort worth

Msgr. Kevin W. Vann of the clergy of the diocese of Springfield in Illinois, U.S.A., episcopal vicar for the clergy and pastor of the parish of the Blessed Sacrament, as coadjutor bishop of Fort Worth (area 62,007, population 2,770,961, Catholics 400,501, priests 115, permanent deacons 74, religious 160), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in Springfield in 1951, and ordained a priest in 1981.

My home diocese of Fort Worth was assigned a new assistant bishop (with right of succession). I don’t know too much about Bishop-Elect Vann yet but his current parish’s website includes various homiles that he has given. I have meetings all day today followed by an overnight retreat so it’ll be a few hours before I have a chance to read any of it.
Bishop Delaney has suffered from cancer for a few years now, undergoing experimental treatment. He’s also rather advanced in age, approaching the 75-year old retirement age. Not to mention, he’s been the bishop of Fort Worth longer than I’ve been alive.
Once I find out anything more, I’ll post it up.


2 responses

  1. John Avatar

    There is hope finally.
    This diocese is very liberal ie… Partners in Ministry programs that support authors like Sr. Fran Ferderer and William Bausch, Diocesian employees connected to the Voice of the Faithful and churches that have moved in the Protestant direction.

  2. Kraft Avatar

    Labeling a diocese as liberal is something that should be cautioned. There are aspects of the diocese that are liberal, as is true with most dioceses and there are aspects that are conservative.
    After working with people from a great number of the parishes in the Diocese of Fort Worth, it would be unfair to call the diocese, as a whole, liberal. (Equally so, it would be unfair to label them conservative as well. I’ll ignore the question of whether those labels are good to use in a church context or not.)
    Bishop Delaney has done many good things in the Diocese and in the past years, he has been unable to fully exercise his ministry due to his declining health. Bishop-elect Vann’s appointment to Fort Worth is giving Bishop Delaney a much needed assistant in helping him with his duties.
    I do have renewed hope that the Diocese will grow and become more faithful to the Gospels. Anytime there is an issue of leadership- whether it be something like a health problem or something like shortcomings of a leadership’s administration, having someone new to be able to point to as a ray of future hope is a great thing. Bishop Delaney’s illness has been no secret and I know that our dioceses seems “bishop-less” because of it at times.
    I’m rambling and it’s late…

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