Preparing For Lent

Lent is just around the corner, starting with Ash Wednesday on March 9th. Vanessa and I are starting to plan our Lenten observances and there is one thing that is common this year to every year.

When we decide to give up something for Lent, we never want to start early. Lately, I’ve been spending more time than I should in front of the TV. When Olivia was born, we had to be awake a fair amount of the time. She would only sleep when being held–otherwise, she would be screaming her little heart out. No, we tried everything. Everything. Yes, that too.

I digress. Since we had all of this time awake, since ya know, too many newborns die when their parent falls asleep while holding them and they fall into a position where they can’t breathe, I watched about 75% of the entire Stargate SG-1 series in the first couple months of her life on Hulu. Unaware of how most babies actually sleep, I setup a number of my favorite shows to record on the DVR in the days before Catalina’s birth.

While I don’t need to kill the same amount of time, I’ve tried to watch the same amount of television. Bad move. Thus, we’re going to cut out a large amount of our television watching.

I know this should begin today and not March 9th. But, I want to go into overdrive and watch just as much (if not more).  Lent can’t come soon enough.


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