Baby Fed Nothing But Almond Milk Develops Rare, 500-Year-Old Disease

Baby develops disease after living with severe lack of nutrition because of almond milk.

Source: Baby Fed Nothing But Almond Milk Develops Rare, 500-Year-Old Disease

Packages of almond milk, in the United States at least, have warnings that it should not be given to children under 1 year old. Despite the headline being a bit of clickbait—rare isn’t enough? 500-year-old disease? I caught a disease over 300 years old last year called the flu—the case is a good reminder.

The warning means something and is there for a reason.


2 responses

  1. Karen Avatar

    wow, I had no idea!

  2. Derek Springer Avatar

    Scurvy is hard-core, in advanced cases all your old scars will actually come undone. 😱

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