Genesis eNews Extended 2.2

Today, I shipped a new version of Genesis eNews Extended. Beyond some minor invisible stuff—bringing everything up to modern PHPCS rules—the latest version brings in a new set of classes that theme designers can use to more surgically modify the design of their subscriptions forms.

Suggested and implemented by Mike Hemberger, also known as JiveDig, this version adds a number of classes for easier theming:

  • enews-form, a class on the top-level form element.
  • enews-fname, a class on the first name form field.
  • enews-lname, a class on the last name form field.
  • enews-email, a class on the e-mail address form field.
  • enews-submit, a class on the submit button.

The form has always been wrapped in a div element with the enews class. This version also adds a new enews-{$field_count}-field(s) class to that div so you can apply different rules if there are 1 field—for only the e-mail address—or 2 or 3 if there are one or two name fields.

As part of my commitment to backward-compatibility, no classes were removed or changed—only additions—so this update is safe for existing sites without any need to make changes.

A major thanks to Mike for using eNews Extended, seeing room for improvement, and then going to the next level to implement it. If you have suggestions for improvements or would like to submit patches, check out Genesis eNews Extended on GitHub.


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