Author: Brandon Kraft

  • rejoice! joy is here

    Rejoice! Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. Traditionally, on this day, all of the vestments of the Church turn pink. A bad joke could be said here of a priest who was ill-trained in how to live in the world and mixed his red and white vestments in the wash but we’ll let that…

  • USPS and Automation

    This afternoon, I was preparing to send off a package I have been remissed on taking care of until now. I have had all the materials for the past month. I was waiting on nothing except for me to take it to the post office- which I go to daily to check my mailbox- and…

  • npr’s look at automated phone system

    I was reading a bit this morning on Amtrak’s Julie. Julie is an automated phone system that responds to callers in a conversation-style. I know other companies, such as American Airlines and AT&T Wireless, have also dabbled in conversative automatic phone systems. Some of them work rather well while others make me curse out the…

  • the view of notre dame

    It has been almost a month since I arrived back to Austin from my visit to Notre Dame. After spending a very wet week in Austin, I see pictures of the trip and wish to be back. The campus was simply beautiful. The fact that I’m a poorly traveled Texas boy is obvious when I…

  • a prayer before sleep

    As part of my personal mission for the website, I include from time to time various things that I wish to be accessable whenever or whereever I may be in an easy-to-acquire form. Some items I feel could benefit others and thus are also posted to the public. I was given a Manual of Prayers,…

  • occasions to remember

    Tonight was Lambda Omega Alpha‘s Fall Semi-Formal, held this year at Coppertank in Downtown Austin. Everyone was decked out and looking their best. As for myself, I was wearing a pinstripe three-piece suit with a gray satin shirt with a similar-colored tie. I would describe my date, Maure’s dress, but I am simply not the…