Category: Church

  • 40 Days with Food Allergies

    40 Days with Food Allergies

    Following your kid’s allergies for Lent isn’t as easy as I thought.

  • A Visit to a Bishop’s Hermitage

    A visit to Bishop-Elect David Konderla’s hermitage outside Lampasas, Texas on May 28, 2016 (Part 1 – Cabin Interior Tour) Source: A Visit to Bishop-Elect David Konderla’s Hermitage on May 28, 2016 (Part 1 – Cabin Interior Tour) Bishop-Elect David was the vocations director for the Diocese of Austin when I went through the seminary…

  • Orlando

    There isn’t a word for the event overnight in Orlando. To call it terrorism, which it was, makes it seem like something far away, isolated, and a something abstract that politicians will use to further their own ends (which they will anyhow). To call it a mass shooting, which it was, lumps it into the…

  • Praying Dublin 🙏

    Praying Dublin 🙏

    Ireland is known as the motherland for a very sizable of the Catholic migration to America. The Catholic Church in Ireland is going through a time of transition, and rightfully so. Between actual abuses and difficulty remaining relevant in the day-to-day lives of the Irish, Catholicism is often only a cultural practice, not including a truly religious…

  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Cake

    Today is Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday—whatever you call it, it is the last day before Lent begins. Traditionally, the day is celebrated in some way, often pancakes as a way to use and enjoy eggs, milk, sugar and other foods that were often abstained from during Lent. For us, every season is Lent…

  • Catholic Church’s Hold on Schools at Issue in Changing Ireland

    Almost all state-funded primary schools — nearly 97 percent — are under church control, and Irish law allows them to consider religion the main factor in admissions. As a practical matter, that means local schools, already oversubscribed, often choose to admit Catholics over non-Catholics. Source: Catholic Church’s Hold on Schools at Issue in Changing Ireland…