Category: Reflections

  • the socially constructed sex

    Looking at sex and sexuality as simply a socially constructed device is fundamentally flawed. The failure to look beyond that when determining what exactly sex and sexuality is a failure to actually attempt to determine anything. Looking at the sexual aspects of religion as simply devices of oppression is also fundamentally disordered and causes great…

  • online interaction

    Wired News has a editorial regarding online relationships that I found very interesting. In my very limited experience, having a relationship via instant message, whether that is friendship or something more, is an extremely powerful medium. I’ll completely grant that it lacks the personal interaction, the personal touch. It lacks the ability to hear the…

  • Holy Saturday

    Today is Holy Saturday. The Church throughout the whole world is silent today. Most all sacramental functions are forbidden- even Holy Communion may only be given as Viaticum. The Church is silent today as we, in solidarity with the original disciples, wait and pray for the return of our Lord. 2000 years ago, the apostles…

  • in the beginning was the word

    God, the Logos made flesh, desiring to reconcile all things in Himself according to the will of the Father (since after all the Father spoke the Word, thus the Word is at the will of the Father), had to offer up the ultimate sacrifice: a sacrifice so great that it counterbalanced the Great Fall.

  • let us show each other god’s generosity

    The Second Reading from the Office of Readings today (the Monday of the First Week of Lent) was from St. Gregory of Nazianzen and was particularly proper for today. In the cycle of the church calendar, fixed dates do not reoccur in any real, usual fashion. For example, today is both the first Monday of…

  • happy valentine’s day

    Today is St. Valentine’s Day to most of the Christian-Secular world. Traditionally, this feast day was dedicated to various symbols of love and affection stemming from St. Valentine. While various stories float around about who exactly he was- a priest, a bishop- the Church was never quite able to figure it out precisely for herself…