Archives: Photos
First picture of the full family
First picture of the full family
Welcome to the world, Ruth! Vanessa Ruth Gonzalez Kraft born on 11/13/2018.
Welcome to the world, Ruth! Vanessa Ruth Gonzalez Kraft born on 11/13/2018.
Dorothy playing soccer.
Dorothy playing soccer.
Pumpkin patch field trip selfie!
Pumpkin patch field trip selfie!
I’m going to save this for anytime I ask someone a personal question.
I’m going to save this for anytime I ask someone a personal question.
Asthma sucks. She had a flare up that after a few stops landed us admitted into Dell again. Not fun when she was unable to speak because of her labored breathing. She got to watch a lot of baseball though. Back home
Asthma sucks. She had a flare up that after a few stops landed us admitted into Dell again. Not fun when she was unable to speak because of her labored breathing. She got to watch a lot of baseball though. Back home