I guess I’m antifa too. I’ve spent a little time at a Catholic Worker house. My wife spent a year at one living with and serving undocumented women and children running away from Central American violence.
I guess I’m antifa too. I’ve spent a little time at a Catholic Worker house. My wife spent a year at one living with and serving undocumented women and children running away from Central American violence.
2 responses
I spent very little time there, but how I grew from it will stay with me for a lifetime.
I was tasked to drive a young man about my age to the Harris Cty Health District clinic to have a TB test read. From experience, it takes like 15 minutes.
I sat with him for six hours.
FTR, I’m no saint or anything. I was in love with my now-wife. She lived there and I lived in a different city. If I wanted to see her, I usually had to go there. If I’m going to visit, I needed to stay at the men’s house. If I’m there, I’m going to do whatever they needed.