

The Austin MSA officially has more COVID hospitalizations, as of today’s report, than at any other time during the pandemic. 620.

We’ve been at or within a couple of our all-time ICU census high this week.

New daily admits aren’t climbing anymore, but not really going down yet.


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    I suppose the good news things aren’t increasing as fast as they were earlier.

    AISD hasn’t updated for today (48 cases within schools Aug 16-18) and UT students moved in today with a required neg COVID test.

  2. kraft Avatar

    UT students, per The Daily Texan, rate the campus safety plan low, so hopefully most plan on doing more than required.

    The various student government entities have a joint petition to require masks, modify operations due to the Delta surge:…

  3. kraft Avatar

    The AISD report still isn’t out yet (they say by 5 pm), but my 11-yr old 7th grader’s school had their first 2 positive cases of the year today.