This is such a standard play out of @GregAbbott_TX’s playbook.
April: GA-35: No gov’t entity can mandate a vaccine authorized by an emergency-use authorization.
Aug 23: FDA fully approves Pfizer.
Aug 25: GA-39: No gov’t entity can mandate a COVID vaccine (period).…
4 responses
Oct 11: GA-40: No one can mandate a COVID vaccine period. Order is authorized by the Diaster Declaration that COVID is a statewide diaster.
I’m not sure what’s next in his playbook. Probably need to watch more Fox News or OAN to figure that out.
Probably an order that employers are barred from asking vaccination status or something next.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is his attempt to reclaim the news cycle from West being hospitalized with COVID while still spouting out that people should be using horse paste to get better.
Meanwhile, districts across the state are still enforcing their banned-by-Abbott mask mandates, including places like Waco, which aren’t liberal at all.…