While today’s rollout of covidtests.gov has gone really, really well, there have been plenty of people running into address database issues (not accepting their address b/c coded as a business or not as a multifamily, etc.)
While today’s rollout of covidtests.gov has gone really, really well, there have been plenty of people running into address database issues (not accepting their address b/c coded as a business or not as a multifamily, etc.)
2 responses
Some of this is probably unknown problems in the database. Some of this is probably ignored problems in the database.
In either event, goes to show how poor a lot of this data is, yet, until now, it hasn’t really been an issue.
I bet those following me, half will say “exactly why you shouldn’t spend too much time on that b/c it has been fine for all this time” and half will say “exactly why you should verify/validate data on entry/often b/c of the headaches it’ll cause when unverified data is needed”