

@travelchick8 @Priscann @padresj It really can depend a lot so best not to judge that. It’s very hard having an allergic kid. Speaking for ourselves, there are a ton of places we don’t frequent b/c they couldn’t answer questions nor seemed to understand.

There are some places that do seem to get it.


2 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @travelchick8 @Priscann @padresj So, sometimes, yeah. We find a place that has always been solid and then they mess up. 99% of the time, we’re super cautious and catch things before she has it. Every blue moon she takes a sip or bite and immediately says “this isn’t right” and we start the protocol.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @travelchick8 @Priscann @padresj So yeah terrified but can’t live in a bubble. Else she would never go to a birthday party or even school as far as that goes.

    This guy definitely went overboard and lost control in an unacceptable way.