@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare I have trouble reaching some a8c sites with IPv6, only via Uverse. Need to troubleshoot with systems.
@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare I have trouble reaching some a8c sites with IPv6, only via Uverse. Need to troubleshoot with systems.
4 responses
@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare Worst part was ended up having a tech to the house to help figure the IPv6 thing out, he couldn’t. Gave me his…
@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare cell so we could touch base later and he said he lied on the report since his boss said to charge me.
@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare Then, of course, figure it out and he stopped returning my texts once I confirmed the IPv6 routes were the issue
@skeltoac @ATTCustomerCare Support center at the time denied IPv6 claiming residential svc lacks IPv6 support.