Tag: catalina
Parental Review
Friday was Catalina’s first birthday! In our household, you’re a baby until your 1st birthday, then a “little toddler” until your 2nd birthday, then a “big toddler”. Olivia is excited about Catalina becoming a little toddler. Last night, I asked Olivia what was the best part of Catalina becoming a little toddler. She replied “I teach…
Sleep Training: Part 239
Trying to continue sleep train Olivia. We’ll letting her cry it out a bit… Olivia: Daddy! Come rock me! It’s my favorite! During a conversation concerning having both girls cry it out at night Vanessa: There will be yelling in the House of Kraft tonight. Sleep has been a constant struggle with Olivia. We were…
The second in an occasional series of posts of “Quotes of the Whenever”. I’m working on a server transition for Austin Catholic New Media, so a light post for today. At about 10 a.m. Olivia: How about crackers? (asking for some crackers) Me: Okay, I’ll give you crackers now, but then no more for the…