Tag: featured

  • Why Am I At a McDonald’s at 5 a.m.

    Why Am I At a McDonald’s at 5 a.m.

    I called my Mom again. Her Greyhound bus was supposed to leave at 10:15 a.m., but I hadn’t heard from her yet. It was 12:30 p.m. We had a bit of time between the arrival of the bus and the departure of the train, but this was quickly being eroded away. Each and every employee…

  • Adult Time

    Adult Time

    Parenthood is an absolute joy. There is nothing like the unconditional love that your children display to you. However, Mommy and Daddy need some adult time too. Vanessa and I were sitting down together one night a couple of months ago when we realized that something was missing. I love my work and the community…

  • Does A RSS Feed Grant Right to Republish?

    Does A RSS Feed Grant Right to Republish?

    I received a couple of pingbacks from a site that republished a couple of posts from my site in whole, pulling them from my RSS feed. The owner of the site maintains that by having a RSS feed that has the full content of a post, I am allowing someone to republish the content. If…

  • Standard Post Format: The Forgotten Format

    Standard Post Format: The Forgotten Format

    WordPress supports a variety of “post formats” that themes can use to help display different forms of content in different ways. On my current theme, I’ve been photoblogging, yet due to the joy of post formats, they’re all tidying in their own place (on the sidebar and at a special link). This is really cool…

  • Going Grey

    Going Grey

    August 12, 2013. That’s when it happened. Vanessa was messing with my hair when she saw it. Grey. Not just a random hair or two, but enough to start talking percentages. This was to be expected as my maternal grandfather’s hair turned in his twenties. Nevertheless, my body is beginning to betray my notion of…

  • Southwest Is My Airline

    Southwest Is My Airline

    Soon after getting married, I realized that I would be flying Southwest quite a bit more. It is the only airline to fly Austin to El Paso direct and, being the city of my wife’s family, it would be a common destination during the holidays. For five years, I’ve only flown Southwest. Now, working for…