the first one

Welcome everyone to my ever-improving personal website devoted to whatever I feel the need to rant and rave about. With time, I’m hoping that this becomes a site where I at least can get something out of it. For the rest of you, well, its my personal site with the keywords being my personal site. Nothing but good feelings to you all but that’s my thoughts on it.

Before I go on farther, I must give credit where credit is due. I obtained the idea of Random Musings from Dr. David Laude, a Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Dean of the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. While I have yet to have him as a professor, I came across his Random Musings and thought to myself, “That is one hell of an idea!” I was just wandering around the 1st floor of Welch one Wednesday night/Thursday morning and found it on a table. Inspiration comes in many forms, be sure not to ignore it when it comes.

Now that I got my personal site rant as well as giving proper credit to Dr. Laude for the idea, please let me introduce myself. My name is Brandon Kraft and I’m currently a freshman at The University of Texas at Austin. I’m officially a Chemistry: Opition III (Teaching) major while unofficially I intend to duel-degree in History. Teaching option you ask? Yes, my current career plan places me within the halls of academia teaching a classroom of students the awesomeness of chemistry or history or whatnot. I’m in the UTeach program that currently has me placed at Campbell Elementary School in Austin to teach at once every few weeks. I would like to note while the kids there are great, my goal is not teaching elementary.

Moving on, I’m an alumnus of Hirschi Math-Science International Baccalaureate Magnet High School in Wichita Falls. I’m a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wichita Falls currently calling the UT University Catholic Center my home away from home. I’m a member of countless organizations including the Sigma Pledge Class for the Lambda Omega Alpha fraternity, the Jester East Residence Hall Association (2nd floor wing representative), Freshman Leadership Organization, Texas Exes Student Chapter, Math and Science Teachers of Tomorrow (MASTT), Students Helping Admissions Recruitment Efforts (SHARE), and Longhorn Scholars. As well, I’m a Deputy Voter Registrar of Travis County as well as the webmaster for The Mol Science Club at Hirschi.

For all those who care, I try to keep my calendar public and online. Since I am just a mere college student, I lack the funds to maintain a properly staffed office. Due to those staffing restraints, I have no secretary to maintain my calendar and provide copies of it to all those who wish to know it. Granted, I don’t have that many people asking for my time but all the same. Also, please realize that as hard as I may try, I may not have everything on the calendar so no harsh e-mails detesting me for some sort of event of yours that I failed to add to my calendar.


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