This is just a short filler for now. I plan on having a decent upgrade made to the site by 1/13/2003. š
You all know what is really awesome though- I’m now a sophomore. With the Fall 2002 semester being added to the transcripts, that puts me over the 30 credit hour mark making me now a first-year sophomore at UT.
Anyhow, please look forward to the musings and whatnot that will be added around the 13th. I’ll try to have the College Courses site updated through the Spring 2003 semester as well as improving upon the HHS-UT section.
Oh, before I forget, I do realize something is wrong with the calendar site. It is not supposed to come up in Korean. I’ll play with the hyperlinks later and figure out a fix to the problem. Try just typing in That worked for me once.
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