the passion of the christ

Last night, I was able to watch Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ with Bishop Aymond of Austin along with about 130 other students and alumni of the University Catholic Center. To steal the words from Bishop Aymond: “Powerful… well-done… very faithful to the scriptures- he added a little here and there but overall, very faithful.”
The movie didn’t really shock me though; it didn’t surprise me. The death of Our Lord and Savior wasn’t as clean or as painless as we tried to think of it as. When Christ fell, he simply didn’t trip. He collapsed. When Veronica wiped his face, it wasn’t to wipe off a little sweat or a little blood. It was to soak up all the blood and sweat off of his face. Too often we forget about the suffering endured for our sins. One man should not have had to carry that burden, a burden that he had no share in creating. Yet, he did. Our salvation history came to a crashing- and bloody- climax when Christ left this Earth by death so we could have our salvation from the eternal death. This is our faith. This is our God. He did not simply die for us; he took abuse many of us couldn’t stand to watch on the screen much less endure. The movie captured the last tweleve hours of his life in a span of two hours. It was hard for us to watch it for two hours; he endured it for twelve hours.
And so, we as Christians can not forget this message. This is why Catholics have a special place for the Stations of the Cross. With that, I must be running to campus.


2 responses

  1. Zach Avatar

    As the song goes, “I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.” I’ve been debating whether or not to see this movie. I’m not sure personally that I could take watching it and get a more clear message of the price paid for my sins. This posting did kind of change my attitude towards wanting to see it. Good Post Brandon.

  2. Shellie Avatar

    It does bother me when people say they don’t want to see this movie because it’s too gruesome. I’m like, so you want to deny the truth? Did you think His death was just clean and quick? People are afraid of the truth; they want to live in their tiny little world and pretend everything is perfect. Now, you know I’m not the most religious person ever, but I’m definately seeing this movie (once I can get a ride out to the theaters). I believe this is a movie all people should see (no matter how “gruesome” they think it is). It sends a clear message and I believe people need to be reminded what price was paid for their sins…Would you mind if I post this post of yours on my blog? It’s really good. 😀

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