ad limina visit

This week, the bishops from Region X are making their five-year ad limina visit to Rome. Each of the bishops will meet with various congregations (read: departments) of the Roman Curia and then with the Pope himself.
Bishop Aymond was orginally scheduled to meet with the Pope on Tuesday, May 18th. However, Bishop Pfeifer of San Angelo has his birthday on May 18th, which is also the Pope’s. Bishop Pfeifer realizing this asked Bishop Aymond to switch times. Aymond agreed and so now he will be meeting with the Pontiff on Saturday, May 22. Just a little random tidbit for you.
Ad Limina itself means on the threshold of the Apostles. Each bishop is required by Canon 400 to submit a report to the Pope and to “venerate the tombs of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.” The visit is not just an administrative act but a spiritual pilgrimage.
It is the time for the Shepherd of Central Texas, along with his brother bishops from Region X, to meet with their shepherd. They renew their allegiance to him, discuss the success and failures of their ministry and hear the advice- and if needbe, the demands- of the Pontiff. Through these visits is how the Pope performs the Petrine Ministry entrusted to him. The first of these visits that is recorded was the visit between Peter and Paul (Gal 1:18).
It has been suggested to me that we pray for our bishops while they make this pilgrimage. I find that fitting and so I pass along the idea to you. Pray that Bishop Aymond receives many spiritual blessings from this visit that enables him to better fulfill his ministry.


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