The second week of summer classes began this morning for me. The ratrace starts again. I was riding the Route 1 bus from Oltorf to campus this morning. It struck me for a few reasons. First, literally every seat and every piece of the aisle was taken. I’ve never seen the bus that full along that route at that point at that time of day. It was just very odd.
Secondly, there was a woman on the bus talking about random topics. She mentioned that she was 38 years old and her oldest child was 24. She had a child at age 14. I just can’t fathom that. I couldn’t imagine having a five year-old right now.
Over the weekend, I had the chance to visit one of the Casa Juan Diego houses in Houston. It is based on the Catholic Worker model and serves immigrants and refugees in the Houston area. It was a short visit- perhaps ten minutes plus a quick tour- it was obvious that the project helps many people. If you’re interested in the Catholic Worker concept and getting involved with it, keep Casa Juan Diego in mind.
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