This week will be light as far as posting is concerned. This week is WOBL for Lambda Omega Alpha. In other words, our week of inititation.
After tonight’s activities, Babb, Fischer and I looked through some of the old records of the fraternity. We’ve had them for some time but never really just looked through them. We found meeting agendas from the early 1990s, minutes from the first constitutional meeting in the Fall of 1990, and a stack of information concerning how the pledge process was done way back when.
Looking back into the past is something that is really amazing. Really. From the days of Longhorn Awakening 3 when Lambda Omega Alpha first became the thought in the minds of 5 young men as they sat in the bunk beds of Jarrell, TX to going on 15 years later, we have grown as a community of brothers. We hear of the mystical days, the dark ages and the days in between. We hear these stories and look back in awe, or sadness, about the way things were and look forward to the days that are to come. It inspires me to make things better. While we have improved many things in the past years, we are not finished.
While 15 years is not that much time to have passed, it is a joy to be so young. We are old enough to have a solid history, complete with the good days and the bad; yet, we are young enough to still feel personally connected to members of both.
It should be that way with the Church, i.e. we should feel personally connected to our figures of the past. The first and foremost, of course, would be Jesus Christ; however, we should still feel very connected to the saints from St. Joseph to St. Francis to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
While it is time for me to end this rambling, it is a joy and blessing to be able to look back, see where we’ve been and use that to invision a future for tomorrow.
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