Well, I’ve been remiss on keeping this updated. My gallon schedule is trying to fit into a pint milk carton.
If you notice, on January 25th, both the House and the Senate were led in prayer by Catholic priests. During the day, HR 72, a resolution “commemorating the 2005 annual conference of the Catholic Health Association of Texas” and SR 16, resolving that “the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby commend Catholic health care for its unwavering dedication to preventive and direct health care and welcome its leaders to Austin” were both approved. Various Catholic hospital administrators were present in the Senate and recognized as guests.
As far as the prayers are concerned, on January 31st, the same minister lead the prayer for both the House and the Senante, using virtually the same prayer. This would be the first time this has happened this year. Without further ado, below are the “Prayers of the State” for the past week.
Jan. 25 – House: Monsignor John McCaffrey, pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan (121 words)
Lord. Our God. We have come together in your name to work for the good of this great State of Texas. Stay with these state representatives with your invisible presence, and pour out your blessings on them. Make them work in a spirit of trust and love as well as a spirit of prudence and understanding so that they may experience an abundance of light, compassion, and peace.
Let harmony reign ever among them, and let them keep their eyes fixed upon you. Enable them to implement your known will for the State of Texas, no matter what difficulty it may entail, and reward them for the good they do. Blessed are you, Lord our God for ever and ever. Amen.
Jan. 25 – Senate: Monsignor John McCaffrey, Catholic Diocese of Austin [as reported by the Journal of the Senate. Msgr. McCaffrey is Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bryan]: (120 words)
Lord our God, we have come together in Your name to work for the good of this great State of Texas. Stay with these state Senators with Your invisible presence and pour out Your blessings on them. Make them work in a spirit of trust and love, as well as a spirit of prudence and understanding, so that they may experience an abundance of light, compassion, and peace. Let harmony reign ever among them and let them keep their eyes fixed upon You. Enable them to implement Your known will for the State of Texas, no matter what difficulty it may entail, and reward them for the good they do. Blessed are You, Lord our God forever and ever. Amen.
Jan. 26 – House: Archbishop Arlen Jones, St. Andrew’s Anglican Holy Orthodox Church, Round Rock (135 words)
Almighty and everlasting God, from whom comes wisdom and understanding; be present, we humbly beseech you, in this meeting of the legislature of the State of Texas here assembled; that they may be guided in all their consultations and work to perceive the more excellent way and may have grace and strength to follow the same.
Save these your servants from all error, ignorance, pride, and prejudice; endue them with wisdom, patience, and courage. We pray that you would be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations to the good of the State of Texas. We beseech you so to guide and bless the legislature of this state that it may ordain for our governance only such things as please you, to the glory of your name and the welfare of the people. Amen.
Jan. 26 – Senate: Reverend Ron Smith, Saint David’s Episcopal Church, Austin (78 words)
O God, the fountain of wisdom whose will is good and gracious and whose law is truth, we beseech You so to guide and bless all of the leaders of the State of Texas but particularly our Senators here assembled that they may enact such laws as shall please You, to the glory of Your name and the welfare of the citizens of our state. We ask this prayer in confidence of God’s mercy, goodness, and justice. Amen.
Jan. 27 – House: Dr. Jimmy Hunter, pastor, Tolivar Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Waco (196 words)
Almighty God, as this legislative body convenes this day, may each of them as legislators and staff come with an eagerness to serve our great State of Texas. We pray that with new opportunities before them that you would grant them guidance as they follow the path of their accountability to you and to each of their constituents all across this vast state. May you grant them faithfulness to end well what is begun and a realization that sees beyond immediacy to the greater issues of justice that become a part of every decision they seek to make. You have revealed in your word that rule and authority in government are in keeping with your divine order. So bring light, O God, to the work that they do so that life for all in our state may be enhanced.
And lest we forget, gracious God, all the many men and women who continue to fight in foreign lands not only for our freedom, but also for the freedom of all. May our wills be determined now to be in cooperation with your divine will. This is my prayer through Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. Amen.
Jan. 27 – Senate: Reverend Brandon Hollar, Capital Christian Center, Austin (142 words)
Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of the resurrected Lord and prince of peace, seeking Your grace, mercy, and wisdom. Be present here, O God of wisdom, and direct the counsel of this honorable assembly. Enable them to settle all things on the best and surest foundations. Grant that they may hear Your wisdom with reverence, receive it with meekness and mingle it with faith, so that it may accomplish the good work for which You have sent it. Cause order, harmony, and peace to be effectually imparted in their hearts so that truth and justice, mercy and peace prevail and flourish among the people. Preserve the health of their bodies and renew their vigor. Bless, O Lord, all the people of this great state and particularly these appointed men and women who lead us. In His name. Amen.
Jan. 31 – House: Jerry Clark, pastor, First Baptist Church, Buna (154 words)
Our Father, we come before you today to ask for your blessing and guidance upon the members of the Texas House of Representatives and their staff. We are grateful for the opportunities and responsibilities of life that are before us. Please help each of us to strive for those actions that are appropriate to engage the process about us and to serve the public of this great state.
May your grace be with each family member and loved one who supports our presence here today. Help those who may be sick, bereaved, or with special needs. Please bless and protect the people of our military who are in the service of this nation. Be ever close to their families and loved ones. Please continue to bless this great nation and our beloved State of Texas. Grant unto us all the help to accomplish your kingdom’s purposes. For we ask it in your name. Amen.
Jan. 31 – Senate: Jerry Clark, First Baptist Church, Buna (152 words)
Our Father, we come before You today to ask for Your blessing and guidance upon the Members of the Texas Senate and their staff. We are grateful for the opportunities and responsibilities of life that are before us. Please help each of us to strive for those actions that are appropriate to engage the process about us and to serve the public of this great state.
May Your grace be with each family member and loved one who supports our presence here today. Help those who may be sick, bereaved, or with special needs. Please bless and protect the people of our military who are in the service of this nation. Be ever close to their families and loved ones. Please continue to bless this great nation and our beloved State of Texas. Grant unto us all the help to accomplish Your kingdom’s purposes, for we ask it in Your name. Amen.
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