Sometimes, the news of a weather day comes with great joy.
Other times, you’ve been awake since 9 a.m. the previous day working throughout the night on a paper due at 5 p.m. Of course, you could have done the paper before the night before, but that ship has already sailed.
So, at 1 p.m., your roommate sends you an IM asking if you’ve heard anything regarding The University closing at 2 p.m. You look outside the window- it’s cold but nothing that would merit a closure. His employer, a research branch of UT, sent an e-mail out announcing the closure at 12:53 p.m.
You- in shock and wonder- search the UT home page and check your e-mail. You can find nothing regarding a closure.
You call the UT General Information Line and they confirm this rumor. The University is closed effective at 2 p.m. Nothing can officially occur after that time, including the physical submission of papers. Then it sinks in- you stayed up all night to work on a paper that isn’t due.
Your professor e-mails you and says that the UT-designated makeup time conflicts for him so the papers are due one week from today.
Here’s to the slacker who went to sleep last night thinking “eh, doesn’t matter if I finish this paper”- cheer.
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