Archbishop-Elect Gregory M. Aymond

Headshot - Gregory AymondNews broke this morning that Most. Rev. Gregory Aymond, Bishop of Austin, has been announced as the 14th Archbishop of New Orleans.

This is a rumor that has been floating around for some time. I found an e-mail thread between myself and Rocco of Whispers mentioning the rumor in April 2007.

The official release from the Vatican
Press release from New Orelans
Rocco’s story from Whispers

I have a number of stories I could share about Archbishop-Elect Aymond, but that’ll come in due time. I’m on a flight in a few hours to El Paso for a baby shower.

In his eight years as Bishop of Austin, he was a great influence on this diocese, the student community at the University Catholic Center and me personally. He has had a dinner each semester with the guys of Lambda Omega Alpha and visiting the UCC on a regular basis.

Congrats to the Archbishop-Elect! What a loss for Austin.

UPDATE: More statements and whatnot.
Photocredit: Diocese of Austin


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