Liveblog: Beer Blogger Conference

Starting at August 23, 2014 15:45 PDT, Brandon Fischer of 365 Brew and I will be liveblogging the brewery sharing session. Stay tuned and hear more about what I expect to be a great set of brews.


7 responses

  1. […] technical chief, Brandon Kraft, has a liveblog setup ready for us over at Come check us […]

  2. […] photography, social media, and more. Lunch included 120+ taps from Yard House, followed by liveblogging what I can only call Brewery Speed Dating, then dinner at Stone’s Liberty Station location. Lastly, if that wasn’t enough, a […]

  3. Derek Springer Avatar

    FWIW, Reinheitsgebot is no longer law in Germany. Breweries just like to say to adhere to it for the street cred it gives them.

    1. Brandon Kraft Avatar

      So, time is ripe for a disruptive new brewer there, eh? 🙂

      1. Derek Springer Avatar

        I was chatting with my Bavarian Airbnb host last year when I was visiting Munich and he mentioned that there are scrappy upstart brewers popping up, but they’re having trouble getting folks to drink their beer. The vibe I got from there and Dublin was that international beer scenes are kinda where the US was ~20 years ago.

        1. Brandon Kraft Avatar

          That makes total sense. It’s like trying to get my uncles to explore craft beer when Bud Light is more than fine for them.

  4. […] stands for Barrel Room Collection.  Kraft and I got to sample the Special Ingredient in this brew “Kosmic Mother Funk” at BBC14, which is used a lot in their BRC […]

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