That is a raw deal dude. Hey @Merck do the right thing and cover the sick kids meds.
Perhaps Merck is doing the right thing. If the drug is contra-indicated for use by children why would they provide it? Or put it another way, if the drug makers says, “there are risks giving this drug to children”, then selling it for such use would open them up to lawsuits.
Again, the drug is sold to anyone via a prescription. Doctors will write the script, pharmacists will fill it, and insurance will cover it. The sole issue is the manufacturer has a program to help offset out of pocket costs but will not let that program include kids who are medically determined to need it and legally given it by their doctor. In effect, they are charging more for children than adults for the same thing.
Sorry Brandon, missed that in the post. Dealing with the consumer end of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry can be maddening.
Well if I owned a pharmacy I certainly wouldn’t want to dispense a drug indicated for adult use by the drugs maker to the parent of a child. Recipe for a lawsuit which the pharmacy or the drug manufacturers would lose. Because … parents … children.
As a person dependent on a drug to stay alive I fully understand your frustration.
The pharmacy dispenses the drug fine. That isn’t the issue and there are no issues with a child getting the script, having it filled, or taking it. The issue in the original post is that the manufacturer won’t let a coupon be used for it because it is a child.
Got it. It’s a stupid system for sure.
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