Author: Brandon Kraft
tell me why i don’t like mondays
Have you heard that Tori Amos song “I don’t like Mondays”? If not, I would reccomend taking a minute and downloading it (via legal means of course!). The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody gonna go to school today She gonna make them stay at home Daddy doesn’t understand it…
voicemail for the homeless
Voice mail lets hope come calling for homeless An interesting program to help homeless people find jobs by giving an employer a place to call, besides a public pay phone in a soup kitchen. The program is in 37 cities, Houston and Dallas in Texas, and they are looking to expand to the 50 largest…
Christian Forgiveness
This is a reoccuring theme with me recently and so while I feel like I’ve said this before, I’m going to say it again. We are more than our worst mistake. We are human and because of that, we really screw up sometimes. We should strive to not make these mistakes, and when we make…
We make the road, others will make the journey. — Victor Hugo, “Thoughts” There is a very curious thing that exists in this world. There exists “the way things have always been done.” Since the dawn of man, when the first humans made fire, there has been the way things had always been done. Most…
is it just me?
As many of you know, I started the Fall 2002 semester as a Chemistry UTeach student, meaning I was a chemistry student studying a particular course of study for secondary education as well as chemistry itself. I spent a successful year in the program, complete with the “Step 1” (UTS 101) and “Step 2” (UTS…
gmail anyone?
I’ve been one of the beta testers for Google’s upcoming Gmail mail service for a short while. Due to that, they are offering me six invitations to offer to whomever I wish. So, if you want a Gmail account, let me know at [erased].