Author: Brandon Kraft

  • politics are never fun

    This story broke some time ago and I am a little behind the curve. For those who haven’t heard, Crisis magazine’s publisher- Deal Hudson- was involved in some sort of “inappropriate sexual relationship” with a freshman female student during his time at Fordham University; the relationship led to his resignation in 1994. Deal Hudson, in…

  • fall 2004: so it begins

    Today marks the first day of classes for The University of Texas at Austin. I was hoping to be full of interesting things to take note of and pass along to this weblog. After four classes and one discussion section, all of which lasted the entire hour, I have nothing. For everyone at UT, you…

  • pack saddle pass

    It’s been a good period since last reflecting upon whatever I reflect upon on here. That has mostly been because there hasn’t been much to discuss. The summer semester has come and gone with the fall approaching us on Wednesday. I’m putting on hold the project to compare the current translation of the Missal to…

  • I Feel For These Guys

    As I mentioned yesterday, the City of Austin is closing a good portion of downtown for the Lance Armstrong parade today. When I rode the bus home yesterday, nothing seemed too distrupted. Today, however, I really feel for Cap Metro drivers. As I was riding the bus from Oltorf to campus, the first sign of…

  • Found An Old Love

    I found old Zip disks from high school during my packing tonight. Although I shouldn’t have, I went to the Welch lab and converted them over to a CD so I could access the files. After a time playing with formats (Mac-based graphics software from 1998 isn’t quite as compatable with Windows XP as I…

  • When We Throw A Parade

    On Friday evening, there will be a parade celebrating Lance Armstrong’s sixth Tour de France victory. The parade, being held on Congress Ave south of the Capitol, will tangle up downtown traffic for more than just Friday. Parking along Congress has been blocked north of Sixth Street since yesterday morning. Congress between 11th and 9th,…