Author: Brandon Kraft
the two-party problem
I’m studying for my BIO 213 exam tomorrow while watching the Democratic National Convention on PBS. I saw on the news segments of a speech given by former Governor Ann Richards (D-TX). In short, she went on, in her usual attacking manner, about how we can not stand to let Bush appoint a Supreme Court…
a cool little book
I went to the PCL (i.e. the main library) on campus today and found a Pontificale Romanum from 1895. It is the liturgical book that contains all the different rites and celemonies usually reserved for the Bishop. The edition in the library, and online here, was promulgated by Popes Benedict XIV and Leo XIII. It…
something i simply disagree with
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved an amendment to the Constitution (S.J.RES.4) adding “The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.” I disagree with laws prohibiting flag-burning or anything of the sort. I agree with laws that state the proper protocal for the use of the flag,…
interesting poll
The well-liked Fr. Jim links to a Slate poll referring to a “cultural soundtrack”. Just read the article and take the quiz. I scored “it’s time to get out of the sun. You’re a little red.” I don’t really know what that means.
week two begins
The second week of summer classes began this morning for me. The ratrace starts again. I was riding the Route 1 bus from Oltorf to campus this morning. It struck me for a few reasons. First, literally every seat and every piece of the aisle was taken. I’ve never seen the bus that full along…
more later
The classroom will kill your innerchild. Education and the advancement of ideas, knowledge, concepts, theories, awareness and whatever else was never meant to be carried out in the method that I just experienced. The good news is although the overwhelming thought that discussion sections are nothing but a waste of time, I have still been…