Author: Brandon Kraft

  • nudity: the best ad for clothing

    I found this Washington Post article via Dappled Things today regarding two nudist magazines. The intro is too great not to read: The best thing about nudist magazines is that they give you a newfound appreciation for clothing. The glitziest fashion spread in the history of Vogue is not as good an advertisement for clothes…

  • rest stop hotspots

    A real quick entry between classes: I found this page on the TxDOT site last night. I think a couple of these internet-enabled rest stops are along the stretch of US 287 that takes me home. I think it’s a great idea and I’m glad to see Texas is keeping up to the times.

  • priestly problems in fort worth

    Check out this post from GetReligion. It touches upon a situation in the Diocese of Fort Worth involving an incorrectly hired priest and the struggle of the Catholic reporter who discovered the problem. All in all, I agree with reporter not covering up the incident. My only suggestion would be for him to contact Bishop…

  • the foundation

    As many of you know, Maure is in Mexico filming a documentary on the conditions in Cuatro, Mexico. From my conversations with her, she wants to help the village to at least get some running water. Not only are they lacking running water, many homes have tarps as roofs. Her documentary will be a chance…

  • government schools spending too much?

    The Wichita Falls ISD reports that they spend about $5700/student. The district’s total population is 15,013 students K-12 with a total budget of $86,000,000 (inclusive of debt service, maintenance & operations, campus activity funds, special revenue fund). Doing the math, that would equal $5728.37 per student. While this is about $2,000 higher than local private…

  • can’t keep a good pope down

    Pope Takes 6-Hour Trip Into the Alps LES COMBES, Italy, JULY 8, 2004 ( Despite the rain, John Paul II left a vacation chalet in the forest of Les Combes this morning and went for a drive in the Italian Alps. It was the Pope’s first long excursion from the chalet since his arrival in…