Author: Brandon Kraft
bushism and the war on terror
“This week I’m traveling to the U.S.-EU summit in Ireland, homeland to so many Irish Americans” — President George W. Bush, Presidential Radio Address of Saturday, June 26, 2004. Newsflash to all you Irish-Americans out there, Ireland is your homeland. I haven’t been all that political on this blog since it’s inception; however, I might…
mass draft of 2004: introductory rites
The differences in the translation starts right at the beginning with the Introductory Rites. Latin: 2. Deinde sacerdos, manus extendens, populum salutat, dicens: ICEL 2004: 2. Then, extending his hands, the priest greets the people, singing or saying: ICEL 1973: Then the priest, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with one…
‘have sex already’ says politcians
Politicians tell men to have more sex link via Dappled Things
‘yay root beer’ says dentists
Root Beer Best for Teeth
nobody steals from god
Priest Beats Up Would-Be Robber Found this story via the Shine of the Holy Whapping.
st. peter’s indian mission
It’s been a few days since I made it back to Austin and now that I’m mostly all rested up, time to start posting again. The mission was beyond words. In short, we led a six-day jr. high retreat for some of the kids on the Gila River Indian Reservation. It was the most pastoral…