Author: Brandon Kraft

  • bushism and the war on terror

    “This week I’m traveling to the U.S.-EU summit in Ireland, homeland to so many Irish Americans” — President George W. Bush, Presidential Radio Address of Saturday, June 26, 2004. Newsflash to all you Irish-Americans out there, Ireland is your homeland. I haven’t been all that political on this blog since it’s inception; however, I might…

  • mass draft of 2004: introductory rites

    The differences in the translation starts right at the beginning with the Introductory Rites. Latin: 2. Deinde sacerdos, manus extendens, populum salutat, dicens: ICEL 2004: 2. Then, extending his hands, the priest greets the people, singing or saying: ICEL 1973: Then the priest, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with one…

  • ‘have sex already’ says politcians

    Politicians tell men to have more sex link via Dappled Things

  • ‘yay root beer’ says dentists

    Root Beer Best for Teeth

  • nobody steals from god

    Priest Beats Up Would-Be Robber Found this story via the Shine of the Holy Whapping.

  • st. peter’s indian mission

    It’s been a few days since I made it back to Austin and now that I’m mostly all rested up, time to start posting again. The mission was beyond words. In short, we led a six-day jr. high retreat for some of the kids on the Gila River Indian Reservation. It was the most pastoral…