Author: Brandon Kraft

  • back but catching up

    This is just a quick post to tell everyone I’m back in Austin. I have mounds of stuff to pile through to catch up so if you called/wrote/e-mailed me in the past week, please be patient while I take a few days to get back to you. I’ll write more about the trip soon.

  • God Is Calling But Can You Hear It Ringing?

    I’m preparing to leave to go to Houston to meet up with Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Parish and their youth ministry program. We’re going to be flying to Arizona tomorrow morning for a mission trip. We’ll be there until June 20th. A little more information on the path of discernment. I want a challenge.…

  • application on hold

    My application to the seminary has been placed on hold while I continue to discern my calling in Austin. I met with Fr. David and Bishop Aymond this afternoon and reached the conclusion. As always, I’ll post more on it later.

  • fall 2004 registration: revisited

    50055 — BIO 325 (Genetics) — TTh 9:30-11, M 3-4 52675 — CH 118K (Organic Lab CH Majors) — Th 2-6 52770 — CH 318M (Organic I CH Majors) — MWF 9-10 52980 — CH 456 (Analytical) — MWF 12-1, W 7-10p 57670 — M 408C (Calculus I) MWF 10-11, TTh 11-12:30

  • overplayed maybe?

    VH1 and MTV, both, were playing “The Reason” at the same time just now. I wonder the odds.

  • news briefs

    I’m running over the day’s news and a couple of things just caught my eye: Man Behind Rampage Found Dead This was stuffed inside the Post about a man in a small town in Colorado having a beef over a factory built in 2000. His method of cooking the beef? Building a homemade tank out…