Author: Brandon Kraft
you have declared your consent
“You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide.” – Consent, Rite of Marriage During Mass I am back in Austin slowly getting settled back in and currently, working the front desk…
summer 2004
I was a little late but I registered for Summer 2004 today: 90600 — BIO S213 (Intro Bio: Evolution and Diversity) — 11:30-1, T 3-4 90625 — BIO S214 (Intro Bio: Structures and Functions of Organisms) — 1-2:30, TH 10-11
a few days off
I’ve taken the past few days off for various things. Friday, Tracie had a pool party to celebrate her graduation. Saturday started with her graduation and then her family graduation party that lasted most of the day. After that and all day yesterday, I had my sister with her clan (including my great-niece and great-nephew)…
return to the real
“Each event in life demands of interpretation, some discernment as being of God or not of God. Without a mature faith life, we interpret our lives in a secular fashion, failing to see the work of Providence. Wisdom is the gift needed whereby we trace the happenings of our days to their proper source.” –…
mass draft of 2004: introduction
The International Commission on the English Language (ICEL) is working on a new translation of the Roman Missal, also known in the English-speaking world as the Sacramentary. This is the book used at the altar by the priest and contains all the prayers for the Mass. By the wonders of the internet, a “green book”…
cardinal law update
Back in August, I posted about the current status of Cardinal Law as Ecclesiastical Delegate for the Pastoral Provision. He’s been assigned to a new position. While retaining, from as much as I can tell, his Pastoral Provision post, Cardinal Law has been appointed as archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Mary Major. In…