Author: Brandon Kraft
20-minute power nap lost on me
Just for a moment, I’d like to pause and reflect on the 20-minute nap I sought after today and was just out of my grasp. I was at the Catholic Center and thought to myself “I am tired. I have 25 minutes until Mass. I’ll take a 20-minute nap.” I lie down. Ignoring the people…
application update
A score update: All I have left for the seminary application is write my admissions essay for the University of Dallas, finish my autobiography for Holy Trinity Seminary and go to my psych evaluation on April 28th.
madman explored
Back in February, I posted a quote from G.K. Chesterton: “The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.” I’ve been thinking more about this quote lately and the more I would have to agree. Logic, reasoning, deductive insight are all…
hot stuff
After a little Easter delay, I have something worth typing out to post. Tonight, I was over at John’s to have dinner with him, Christy and Stephanie. He’s cooking some chicken for dinner when he moves a hot piece of glassware towards the sink. Then BAM- the glass, and all the hot oil inside, it…
for this is the day
This is the day the Lord has made- let us rejoice and be glad. I’m waiting for Pope John Paul’s Urbi et Orbi message as I get ready for bed so I thought I would spend the wait writing a short message. Holy Saturday was a good day. I went over to Marion’s for lunch…
we sit and wait
This is Holy Saturday. A baptist friend of mine asked me tonight what happened today since I’ve been giving him a little daily rundown of Holy Week and the Triduum. Simply, we sit. We pray. We wait. I was reading the liturgical texts for tonight’s Easter Vigil, when the Light of Christ shines forth once…