Category: Daddy’s Corner

  • Parental Review

    Friday was Catalina’s first birthday! In our household, you’re a baby until your 1st birthday, then a “little toddler” until your 2nd birthday, then a “big toddler”. Olivia is excited about Catalina becoming a little toddler. Last night, I asked Olivia what was the best part of Catalina becoming a little toddler. She replied “I teach…

  • Order For A Moment

    Sometimes we just have to create order out of the chaos, if it is minor and seemingly meaningless. If you know me personally, you know there is much physical chaos to my environments. I like the idea of organization, but I miss the boat when it is time to execute. Being married to Vanessa has helped with…

  • Sleep Training: Part 239

    Trying to continue sleep train Olivia. We’ll letting her cry it out a bit… Olivia: Daddy! Come rock me! It’s my favorite! During a conversation concerning having both girls cry it out at night Vanessa: There will be yelling in the House of Kraft tonight. Sleep has been a constant struggle with Olivia. We were…

  • Flaming Drumsticks

    Sometimes I’m a stereotypical guy. Of the many great and illustrious things I’ve done in life (no hyperbole there, no no), one of the activities I had the most fun was marching band in high school. Over the decade since high school, I’ve told my wife some of the many fun times had during those…

  • Who Is Your Daddy and What Does He Do?

    I’m approaching six months as a stay-at-home dad. I haven’t fully accepted the title yet. When someone asks me “what do I do?”, I hesitate. Sometimes I say, “Primarily, I’m at home with the girls, but I’ve been doing some freelance developing websites.” Or “I’m working with folks on their web presence, which is great since…

  • The Sun Is Lazy (The Morning Routine)

    I went from posting about once a month to working on five-to-six a week so far in 2012. There is one single change in my life that made this possible. The Morning Routine. Previously, we let the girls serve as our alarm clocks. They’d wake up before we’d want to get up, we could throw…