Category: Daddy’s Corner

  • 10 years

    Today, it has been ten years since my dad passed away. Perhaps because I’ve been so incredibly busy during the past few weeks, I haven’t really thought about it much. While in school, I would have too much time to think about it and would end up taking an academic dive this time of year.…

  • team hoyt – an amazing duo

    There is not more for me to say, as the article and the videos say it all. From Sports Illustrated, by Rick Reilly: I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots. But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck. Eighty-five…

  • Another Year Passes By

    Grief is such a funny thing. Sunday, the 19th, was the seventh anniversary of my father’s death; now he’s been gone over a third of my life. No matter how far along I am in the grief process, or no matter how “over it” I am, this is always a bad time of year. In…