Category: Daddy’s Corner

  • Poor Dorothy. She’s always hearing her sister’s name during movies… Anna, Moana, Tiana…

  • I’m no stranger to traveling and have planned for larger groups, but planning Walt Disney World for a family of nine (in-laws too!) is a whole new level of madness.

  • Monday. A shattered soap dispenser, another hand closed in a door, and a plant knocked off the mantle. Monday.

  • Dorothy figured out to get out of her crib last night, which means Ana will learn tomorrow. She climbed out, went to sleep on Teresa’s bed, then nearly fell out of bed if we didn’t catch her. She had found her water bottle and it fell off the bed, which led us to investigate just…

  • 40 Days with Food Allergies

    40 Days with Food Allergies

    Following your kid’s allergies for Lent isn’t as easy as I thought.

  • Food Allergies Aren’t From Bad Parenting

    Food Allergies Aren’t From Bad Parenting

    Source: How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves This missive from the parents of 12 kids is, all in all, a very interesting roadmap for raising a family, but I reject one particular portion. We did not have snacks between meals. We always had the four food groups…