Category: Personal
A New Roller Coaster
Vanessa took a pregnancy test and you won’t believe what happened next!
Bike Ride!
Teresa on her first bike ride.
Why I’m Embarrassed By My Degree
I am embarrassed by my degree. Not my major, nor my university, but the date. Embarrassed because few people knew about the secret of the date on it.
Going Grey
August 12, 2013. That’s when it happened. Vanessa was messing with my hair when she saw it. Grey. Not just a random hair or two, but enough to start talking percentages. This was to be expected as my maternal grandfather’s hair turned in his twenties. Nevertheless, my body is beginning to betray my notion of…
NaBloPoMo: What The Hell Does That Mean?
The kick off post for the 2013 National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) including tips from on how to be inspired to write.
One Man’s Journey
You don’t have to be on The Biggest Loser to lose a lot of weight. Just do it.