Category: Reflections

  • Happy Birthday, O!

    Happy Birthday, O!

    My eldest turns 12 years old today. I don’t feel like I’m old enough to be married almost 13 years with a 12-year-old, but here we are. As she continues her path toward more independence, I find new joys in parenthood. As much fun as having my two-year-old wanting to play “tackle Daddy” for an…

  • Juneteenth


    Juneteenth allows us to more fully celebrate the Fourth of July.

  • If I Were A Bishop During COVID

    If I Were A Bishop During COVID

    In a pretend world, if I was the abbot of the territorial abbey of Krafton (known by the locals as Krafton Abbey) and had the responsibility for a group of the faithful, as a bishop does for his diocese, I would write a letter like this to them. Pʀᴀɪsᴇ ʙᴇ ᴛᴏ Jᴇsᴜs Cʜʀɪsᴛ… Dear sisters…

  • 26 Years Later

    26 years ago, I was sitting in Mrs. Wilson’s 5th Grade science class when a classmate across the lab bench from me asked if I heard about the bombing in Oklahoma City. At the time, I thought she probably didn’t know what she was talking about or, at least, it was a “small bomb”, whatever…

  • The Longest Lent

    The Longest Lent

    Holy Saturday is perhaps one of my favorite days of the liturgical year. The cruelty of Good Friday is past us and we’re in this holding pattern. We do have faith that Easter is coming, but it isn’t here yet. Isn’t that where we are now? We have faith that Jesus will return, but not…

  • One Priest Can Make All The Difference

    One Priest Can Make All The Difference

    Today is the birthday of Fr. Ivor Koch, who spent hours sitting outside of the funeral home with my mom after my dad died. We were lapsed Catholics and a family holding a lot of pain from church mistakes decades before. I was baptized, but we never went to church for the 11 years that…