Category: Reflections
Honoring Papaw
After my grandfather passed away late last year at 98 years old, his “retirement job” of 31 years, named a building after him.
Peace in 2018
Today is January 1st, which in the Catholic tradition in the Solemnity for Mary, Mother of God and, since the 1960s, World Day of Peace. Global peace is a hard nut to crack and something I feel powerless to directly impact. But, for 2018, I pray that we all can create for ourselves a little…
20 Years
I’ve struggled with what to write to mark 20 years since my dad died. It’s probably the most common regular topic I’ve written about over the years. Earlier this month, a very close friend lost his mother. A few days ago, I talked heart-to-heart with another friend who lost his father earlier in the year.…
Two Explosions Kill at Egyptian Coptic Churches on Palm Sunday
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombings, but they came weeks before Pope Francis is to visit the country. Source: Two Explosions Kill at Least 31 at Egyptian Coptic Churches on Palm Sunday As we pile into the car to head to Palm Sunday Mass ourselves, the absolute senselessness of violence, and…
Welcome 2017
Vanessa and the kids went into the backyard today to discover a decapitated bird perched in one of our tree branches. Vanessa got them back inside before they looked up from the feathers they saw on the ground. I’m not a superstitious man, but welcome 2017!
Automattic signs pledge not to build Muslim registry
Automattic, which owns and a number of other web development and publishing tools, has signed a pledge not to help build a Muslim registry. Source: parent company Automattic signs pledge not to build Muslim registry – The Verge In addition to Matt signing on behalf of the company and a large group PR,…