Category: Technology

  • On The Rocks

    In a first, I had a rock stuck inside the headphone jack on my phone. It took nearly 20 minutes to remove. Austin, Texas, United States of America

  • Homescreen, November 2014 Edition

    Includes: Clock Widget Weather1 Widget “Favorite” contact: my wife Runkeeper Google folder with the various Google apps Social Media folder with Twitter, Untappd, Swarm WordPress Google Play folder with the various Google Play apps The bottom row: Phone Hangouts (SMS) Chrome Camera Background is an old picture of Catalina. Nexus 4

  • Google’s Confusion

    Google is surprisingly knowledgeable on what to do when you have egg, dairy, et al allergies, thus a vegan that eats meat.

  • In Honor of Windows 10

  • Embed Google Photospheres

    Google’s Android Camera has a pretty sweet photosphere feature that is a panoramic on steroids. You can stand in a single spot, moving 360° around, up and down, giving you a complete view of everything in your surroundings. The problem? How can people view this in a way that makes sense and not like a…

  • Iteration

    Iteration is not failure. Grand Summit Hotel, Snyderville, Utah, United States of America