Category: College
envisioning information: escaping the flatlands
Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte After the first thirty-five pages, I’m left with a desire to find a connection between design and information. Today, I met with a web site consultant for the University Catholic Center, my employer. If you visit the homepage of the UCC, it conveys a lot of information (we’ll ignore…
social interaction
If you look at the social interaction styles of UT students today and ten years ago, they are vastly different. In today’s student environment, we head home after a long day and turn on our computers. Almost instantly, IM opens up connecting us to many of our friends who are online at the same time.…
do i have time for this?
In PA 326, Intro to the Non-Profit Sector, we are supposed to find and work 35 hours over the semester in a non-profit. While 35 hours doesn’t seem like that much, the more I look at my calendar, the more I am unsure how I’ll be able to do that. I’m going to speak with…
thursday is a dull day
For STS 321, we were asked to record a “media log” of how we interact with media over a course of a day. Here are my results: Thursday is not a good day for me to do a media log. I’m in class from 8 a.m until 12:15 p.m. with no break, except today I…
Bad Information Design
I have always had problems with Blackboard, the online course content system that UT uses. It contains a great amount of information and can be very useful, it is organized badly. On the home page, they list every class you have taken since they migrated to Bb 6 in the Spring of 2005. There are…
student office building
I’ve had this idea for some time now and I think it is ready for a public forum. Being a full-time college student is a full-time job. We’re in the classroom between 12, at the least, and 30 hours a week, depending on labs. Plus, we’re expected to study at least an hour a day…