Random Musings by Kraft

  • skateboards that cause problems

    I was driving home today on Congress, turning right to a side street, when a person on a skateboard rode out in front of me. I honked and him, and he yelled profanely back that he was at a crosswalk. For those unaware, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on the sidewalk on Congress…

  • The Pope on Driving

    Today I would like to propose another prayer intention, given the news we receive, especially during this period, of numerous road accidents. We must not get used to this sad reality! Human life is too precious and it is too unworthy of man to meet death or become an invalid due to causes that could…

  • The Versa at 10K

    My little Versa, named “Vessie” that replaced “Susie“, hit the 10,000-mile mark today. The milestone came a bit earlier than it would, but a trip to El Paso or back last weekend help push it closer. A car, while being just a pile of nuts, bolts, belts and fluids, does take on a personality unlike…

  • Capital Metro trains APD to drive a bus

    Capital Metro, the public transit authority for the Austin-area, has a blog entry about training the Austin Police Department’s DWI unit to drive a new Breath-Alcohol Testing bus donated to the City by CapMetro. The simulator is pretty sweet; would love to have a chance to see how hard it would be to drive a…

  • Massive Update to Site

    I pushed through a massive redesign of the website today. As many of the longtime readers know, I started blogging in 2002 with “Random Musings” and switched to “Praying Young” about a year ago. In the end, I didn’t like that transition, so I merged all of the entries from both blogs and transferred them…

  • Indulgences for World Youth Day

    I wanted to pass along a little nugget from this morning’s Vatican news briefing. Pope Benedict XVI will be extending a plenary indulgence for all who are attending WYD in Sydney and a partial indulgence for all who pray for the spiritual goals and happy outcome of WYD. To receive the partial indulgence, all you…