Archives: Photos
Indulge me. I don’t go bananas proud papa bear often. I’m usually coaching their games so I never record this stuff. I wasn’t in sports as a kid (save a season of football in 4th grade and a year of CC) and seeing O absolutely in love with it all is a freaking blast
Indulge me. I don’t go bananas proud papa bear often. I’m usually coaching their games so I never record this stuff. I wasn’t in sports as a kid (save a season of football in 4th grade and a year of CC) and seeing O absolutely in love with it all is a freaking blast
I think was my favorite. Two in the lineup use the same bat and O was not about it at all. lol
I think was my favorite. Two in the lineup use the same bat and O was not about it at all. lol
I have 318 videos of exactly this on my phone now
I have 318 videos of exactly this on my phone now
This is going to be my feed tonight
This is going to be my feed tonight
Olivia hanging out with the UT softball team. As one does
Olivia hanging out with the UT softball team. As one does
Ruth and I on a walk last night. We’re usually rushing around so much we don’t often just take walks at night. Doing a mile-loop from the house we went through a farmer’s market, past a six-year old’s birthday, saw a family fully decked out in Irish gear/green heading to what I only assume was a belated attempt at St. Patrick’s Day, a little band of a trumpet, snare and bass drum practicing, someone doing yoga, and a lot of just people outside.
Ruth and I on a walk last night. We’re usually rushing around so much we don’t often just take walks at night. Doing a mile-loop from the house we went through a farmer’s market, past a six-year old’s birthday, saw a family fully decked out in Irish gear/green heading to what I only assume was…